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File Tools: Types, Parts, Methods, Applications with (PDF)

In this article, you’ll learn what is a File and How it is used in the workshop. with its Parts, Methods, Precautions, Applications, and Types of File Tools with PDF.

What is a File Tool?

A file is used to cut, trim, or finish a job of metal or wood, to give it a shape according to our needs such as making the job round, square, or angular. The file is made from high-carbon steel.

The file is a hard steel instrument with numerous cutting points. Metal is cut into tiny particles with the help of a file. Therefore, mostly a file is used for giving final finishing touches to a job of metal or wood.

After chipping a job of metal generally becomes rough and a file is used to make it smooth. In the case of a machine, if the part is larger than the required size, a file is used to make it suitable.

In addition, a file is used where other cutting tools cannot be used. Files are also used for sharpening the edges of some other cutting tools.

Parts of a File

It has the following main parts of a file:

Parts of a file tool
  1. Handle
  2. Tang
  3. Heel
  4. Face
  5. Edge
  6. Tip or Point

A wooden handle is fitted on its tang. Teeth are cut on its face and edge so that it can perform the job of cutting. The part having no teeth is called as heel. The thick side of the file is called the edge and its lower end is known as the tip or point.

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Types of File Tools

While making a selection of files for a specific job, some important points should be considered. In other words, we can say that files can be classified into the following categories:

  1. On the basis of length
  2. On the basis of shape
    1. Flat file
    2. Round file
    3. Half-round file
    4. Triangular file
    5. Square file
    6. Hand file
    7. Knife file
  3. In the basis of grades
    1. Rough File
    2. Bastard File
    3. Second cut File
    4. Smooth File
    5. Dead Smooth File
  4. On the basis of cut
    1. Single Cut File
    2. Double Cut File
    3. Curved Cut File
    4. Spiral Cut File
    5. Rasp Cut File

1. Classification According to Length

A file is measured according to its length. This length includes the whole file except its tang portion i.e. length from heel to tip is the measurement of the file. In fitter trade, files of 100 mm to 450 mm length are used.

2. Classification According to Shape

Following are the different types of file tools according to its shape:

1. Flat File

Types of file tool- Flat file

This file is of rectangular cross-section in shape. It is made slightly tapered both in width and thickness. Double-cut teeth are cut on the face and simple-cut teeth are cut on the edge. These are used to reduce flat surfaces by filing or finishing.

2. Round File

Round file

This type of file has a round section. It is used for rubbing or finishing a keyhole of small diameter.

3. Half-round File

Types of file tool- Half-round file

It is a file that is on one side and curved on the other side. Double-cut dents are cut on it and like a round file, it is also tapered. With this file, the damaged hole can be set in order again.

3. Triangular File

Types of file tool- Triangular file

It is triangular. Its angles are of 60°. Filing of “V” slots job, square and rectangular jobs of above 60° and below 90° angle are done with this file. It is also known as three square files.

4. Square File

Types of file tool - Square file

It is square and is somewhat tapered. Filing of rectangular, square grooves, slots, and key-way is done with this file.

5. Hand File

Types of file tool- Hand file

This file is almost similar to the flat file. It is used for filing of the internal right angle side of a job. It is also called a safe edge file.

6. Knife Edge File

Types of file tool - Knife edge file

Its shape is like the edge of a knife. Its thin edge is about 10° angle. It is used for filling small grooves and slots whose angle is less than 60°. It is generally used in the lock industry for making keys.

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3. Classification According to Grade

Following are the different types of file tools according to the basis of the number of teeth:

1. Rough File

Rough File

In this type of file, teeth are big and less in number. It is used for cutting soft materials because its cutting is rough. Because of rough cutting, it cannot be used for hard metal.

2. Bastard File

Types of file tools - Bastard file

The teeth of this file are comparatively smaller than those of the rough file. It is used initially to shed metal (through filing) in large quantities.

3. Second-cut File

Types of file tools - Second cut file

This is a file of medium grade. In the filler trade, this file is mostly used to bring the job in the proper size. As compared to the bastard file, filing done with this file makes the surface plain.

4. Smooth File

Types of file tools - Smooth file

This file makes the surface quite plain, in addition to making a job of accurate size through filing.

5. Dead Smooth File

Its teeth are very close to each other and it rubs off the metal in very little quantity. It is used for bringing shinning on the job after finishing has been done.

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4. Classification of Files On The Basis of Cut

Following are the different types of file tools according to the cut:

1. Single-cut File

Types of file tools - Single cut file

This file has parallel lines of teeth running diagonally across its face in one direction only. The metal surface is rubbed in small quantity and thus the surface becomes smooth. Therefore it is used for hard metal and finishing.

2. Double-cut File

This file has two rows of teeth crossing each other at an angle of 40° to 45° and the other row has angles of 70° to 80°.

Types of file tools - Double cut file (B)

Because of double teeth, this file cuts metal quickly but it cannot make the surface very smooth. That is why it is generally used for normal filing as shown in fig (B).

Types of file tools - Double cut file (C)

It is also called a coarse-type file. In 30° to 35° and the other row is of 80° to 87° angles as shown in Fig (C).

3. Curved-cut File

Curved cut file

It is also known as the Vixen file. The curved-cut file is used for filing of the wide surfaces of soft metal like aluminum, zinc, copper, and brass. It has circular teeth as shown in Fig.

4. Spiral-cut File

Types of file tools - Spiral cut file

These types of teeth are cut in round or semi-round files. The shape of their teeth is like that of threads.

5. Rasp-cut File

Types of file - Rasp cut file

This is a file of special thick teeth. These teeth are of triangle shape and are bulging. It is used for jobs of wood, plastic, fiber, hard rubber, and the job of horns and hoofs of animals.

Methods of Filing

To get the proper surface through filing, the following points need consideration:

Method of filing
  1. Choose the right type of file, according to the job.
  2. There should be a handle fitted on the tang of the file. In small files, a small handle should be fitted and a larger handle in a larger file. Otherwise, proper power would be unnecessarily wasted.
  3. Hold the handle of the file with the right hand and keep the file end balanced with the left hand.
  4. At the time of filing, the left leg should be kept ahead and the right leg a little behind as shown in Fig.
  5. Pressure on the file should be exerted while moving it ahead, not while driving it back.
  6. Only your hands should move with the file and not your whole body. As far as possible, keep the rest of your body still.
  7. The speed of moving the file should be at the rate of 30 to 35 strokes per minute.

Precautions for Using Files

Following are the precautions for using files:

  1. Select the file according to the job.
  2. Do not use a file without a handle. According to the size, the complete handle should be fixed on the file.
  3. First, a new file should be used on soft metal, and then it can be used on solid metal.
  4. If substantial material is to be cut then first chipping should be done and then filing.
  5. For filing of sheet metal jobs, the job should be fixed in a vice by using wood on both sides. It should also be ensured that the sheet should not be higher than vice.
  6. While filing a sheet, we should cut it in length.
  7. We should make use of chalk to save the job from pinning. If there are metal particles on the file they should be cleaned with a brush.
  8. Keep and file away from other tools. They should not be heaped together.
  9. The file should not be heated.
  10. Do not apply oil or grease to the file.

Applications of Files

Following are the applications of files:

  1. A file is used for giving final finishing touches to a job of metal or wood.
  2. After chipping a job of metal generally becomes rough and a file is used to make it smooth.
  3. In the case of a machine, if the part is larger than the required size, a file is used to make it suitable.
  4. In addition, a file is used to where other cutting tools cannot be used.
  5. Files are also used for sharpening the edges of some other cutting tools.

That’s it, thanks for reading. If you have any questions about “Types of File Tools” you can ask in the comments.

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About Saif M

Saif M. is a Mechanical Engineer by profession. He completed his engineering studies in 2014 and is currently working in a large firm as Mechanical Engineer. He is also an author and editor at www.theengineerspost.com

31 thoughts on “File Tools: Types, Parts, Methods, Applications with (PDF)”

  1. Great post! I learned a lot about the different file types and their specific uses. The PDF resource is especially helpful for quick reference in the workshop. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!

  2. Thank you, I’ve used files for years with no knowledge of the correct use or the termonology

  3. Lovely informative website.
    Had to smile when I remember an old schoolfriend who left school at the tender age of fifteen to work in a tool/ironmongers shop back in 1971. My brother informed me quite recently that he still worked there! Wow – fifteen to retirement at the same job.
    I digress – I recall how my friend (on his first day) had a customer come into the shop and ask for a rough bastard. It makes me smile to this day.

  4. This pdf on Files is very good. All the correct information about the files can be found here.

  5. Thank you so much Sir….this was really helpful to me….it was amazing and I just love it….thank you


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